Planning Backwards Workshop Package


Lets build your timeline workshop together!


Planning dependencies and getting your team committed to the plan is tough! Let’s harness the power of your team for your project plan – in this comprehensive workshop we’ll get them to not only collaborate on the plan but to use their knowledge and expertise to identify gaps and dependencies.  This is a proven tool to increase your teams accountability and understanding of the plan.

In this package we’ll work together to:

  • Ensure we’re inviting the right people to attend
  • Customize the workshop to meet your company and/or industries key milestones and ensure they are in the right language for your team
  • Prepare a detailed agenda and time blocks to ensure your workshop is effective and efficient
  • Practice your facilitation prior to the workshop
  • Debrief after the workshop to determine next steps.

Your role is to come prepared to learn, coordinate the meeting with your team, facilitate the meeting while asking key questions to ensure your team is doing the critical thinking and that everyone is engaged.

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